How to Clean Your Wood Cabinets?


Whether clear or painted, wooden cabinets can add beauty and a luxurious feel to any space. However, it is essential to clean them regularly with appropriate cleaning materials to maintain their sheen and keep them looking new for a long time. Wood cabinets, especially those installed in the kitchen, undergo a lot of abuse, from food spills, grease, smoke, grime, dust to sticky fingerprints; they have to brave them all. When not cleaned regularly, these things build up and make the cabinets appear dull and dirty. 

Cleaning wood cabinets is not as tedious as it may appear, and the time taken to clean them will depend on the gap between two cleanings. Here is all that is required to clean the wood cabinets:

Get an appropriate cleaner

The first thing required to clean the wood cabinets is a natural cleaner. You can either get a commercial cleaner from a nearby store or make one at home using commonly available affordable and natural kitchen ingredients like vinegar or lemon juice, baking soda, mild detergent, or oil soap. Mix any of these ingredients in warm water to get a wood cabinet cleaning solution. Avoid using strong acid-based all-purpose cleaners as they can discolor or make the wood paint come off.

Right cleaning supplies

For cleaning wood cabinets, use a soft cloth, microfiber rag, an old toothpaste, and a pair of cleaning gloves. Using abrasive sponges can leave marks or damage the cabinets. 

Regular and deep cleaning

It is essential not to use too much water on wood cabinets as moisture build-up can leave marks or rust the hardware. For regular cleaning, dip the cloth in the cleaning solution, squeeze it properly, and begin wiping down the cabinets. Repeat the process when the fabric gets dirty. If you are using a commercial cleaner, clean a small surface to test for any discoloration or damage before cleaning the whole cabinet. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean around knobs, handles, and other hardware. For tough stains and spots, let the water and baking soda solution sit on it for a few minutes and then wipe it clean with a damp cloth. Use a clean cloth or towel to dry the surfaces post-cleaning. It is essential to let the wood cabinets and drawers dry to prevent mold growth. Dust off and clean the inside of the cabinets every few weeks. For deep cleaning, remove everything stored in the cabinets and use an oil soap wood cleaner to wipe clean every nook and corner. To maintain the natural luster, apply furniture polish on the wood cabinets using a cloth.

Tips to keep the cabinets clean

  • Daily spot cleaning.

  • Regularly remove dust.

  • Don't use dirty hands to open or take items out of the cabinets.

  • Avoid clutter.

It is essential to be gentle while cleaning the wood cabinets as using the wrong tools and harsh cleaners or roughly handling them can have damaging effects. Regular cleaning and occasional deep cleaning will increase a wood cabinet's life and make them look spotless and shining. You can also schedule deep cleaning and touch-up by professionals twice a year.

The Wood Doctor is the leader in wood restoration, refinishing and refacing in the Portland area. Call 503-560-5220 for a project consultation.